Truly fixing healthcare means truly addressing all challenges plaguing the current unsustainable model.

Truly fixing healthcare means truly addressing all challenges plaguing the current unsustainable model.

Enlace solves healthcare from the inside out, attacking the core issues – inefficient processes, legacy technology, disconnected point solutions, inadequate visibility, and a dominant fee-for-service model that rewards volume over quality.

Healthcare knows it must transform from fee-for-service to value-based care, a concept that has been in place for decades. So why has the transformation been so difficult? Because, new solutions introduced as “industry-changing”, are simply more noise in an already overburdened system, and because there has never been a complete, end-to-end solution that addresses all parts of the inefficiency.

Until Now.

The connected world of Enlace is the only complete solution
that makes true value-based care a reality.

Truly fixing healthcare means truly addressing all challenges plaguing the current unsustainable model.