Healthcare Cannot Continue on Its Current Path

Enlace Health- Healthcare Cannot Continue on Its Current Path

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The Conversation Continues: Why Healthcare Isn’t Working – Fixing it at the Core vs. Another Bandaid

Unsustainable Bandaid vs Fixing the Core

Watch Our Recent Masterclass with CEO, Bill Nordmark, and Becker’s Healthcare On-Demand

It’s an accepted fact – healthcare is a mess. The quality-cost equation is completely out of alignment. Healthcare costs account for 19.7% of GDP and are projected to increase 5.4% YoY to $6.2T by 2028.

The industry knows it cannot continue along this unsustainable path, yet little has been done to address the real issues. Fee-for-service and the current technology infrastructure are self-perpetuating partners in the ongoing mess. Enlace is fixing this mess by attacking healthcare’s unsustainable model from a completely different point of view, addressing challenges at the core.